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Hot & Cold Unit - Grade 3 to 6
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Keeping it safe
Printable Scope and Sequences for a Heat Energy Teaching Unit
Printable rubric for assessment on student knowledge of heat
Rationale on the prior knowledge quiz
Rationale + Answers for the prior knowledge quiz on variable testing
When to best use the long-form video
Background notes about heat energy
Ideas to incorporate cross-curricular teaching for hot & cold
Student project ideas for heat energy
Common student misconceptions about heat
Teacher notes on the bubbly endothermic reaction
Teacher notes on the pizza box solar oven
Teacher notes - Making ice cream
Teacher notes on the simple thermometer activity
Teacher notes on the supercooled water stalagmites experiment
Teacher notes - Can you change the heat of water by adding food colour?
Teacher notes on the temperature and water density experiment
Teacher demonstration & Student Quizzes - Food colouring in Hot vs Cold water (printable worksheet)
Teacher demonstration & Student Quizzes - Heat conduction with spoon & paper clips (printable worksheet)
Crossword and Word Search answer sheets
Cloze sentence activity answer sheet
Match the list answer sheet
Rationale on the post knowledge quiz
Rationale + Answers for the post knowledge quiz on variable testing
Have a hot & cold science visit at your school!
Teacher's note
Australian Curriculum Links - Primary School
Australian Curriculum Links - High School
US Next Generation Science Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Virginia Standards of Learning
The Ontario Curriculum
The New Zealand Curriculum
Prior knowledge quiz - Hot & Cold
Prior knowledge quiz on variables - Hot & Cold
Video - Hot & Cold (30 minutes)
Background notes & Quiz about heat
Activity & Quizzes - Bubbly & cold endothermic reaction (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Create a pizza box solar oven (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Ice cream making! (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Make a Simple Thermometer (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Make supercooled water stalagmites (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Can you change the heat of water by adding food colour? (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Temperature and The Density of Water
Variable testing - Which material insulates the most heat?
Experiment report templates (printable worksheets)
Post knowledge quiz - Hot & Cold
Post knowledge quiz on variables - Hot & Cold
Vocabulary list & Quiz for heat energy (printable worksheet)
Crossword puzzle & Word search (printable worksheets)
Cloze sentence activity (printable worksheet)
Match the list (printable worksheet)
Colouring in pages (printable worksheets)
Search for a lesson
Teacher notes
Keeping it safe
Printable Scope and Sequences for a Heat Energy Teaching Unit
Printable rubric for assessment on student knowledge of heat
Rationale on the prior knowledge quiz
Rationale + Answers for the prior knowledge quiz on variable testing
When to best use the long-form video
Background notes about heat energy
Ideas to incorporate cross-curricular teaching for hot & cold
Student project ideas for heat energy
Common student misconceptions about heat
Teacher notes on the bubbly endothermic reaction
Teacher notes on the pizza box solar oven
Teacher notes - Making ice cream
Teacher notes on the simple thermometer activity
Teacher notes on the supercooled water stalagmites experiment
Teacher notes - Can you change the heat of water by adding food colour?
Teacher notes on the temperature and water density experiment
Teacher demonstration & Student Quizzes - Food colouring in Hot vs Cold water (printable worksheet)
Teacher demonstration & Student Quizzes - Heat conduction with spoon & paper clips (printable worksheet)
Crossword and Word Search answer sheets
Cloze sentence activity answer sheet
Match the list answer sheet
Rationale on the post knowledge quiz
Rationale + Answers for the post knowledge quiz on variable testing
Have a hot & cold science visit at your school!
Curriculum links
Teacher's note
Australian Curriculum Links - Primary School
Australian Curriculum Links - High School
US Next Generation Science Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Virginia Standards of Learning
The Ontario Curriculum
The New Zealand Curriculum
Student Videos, Experiments and Quizzes
Prior knowledge quiz - Hot & Cold
Prior knowledge quiz on variables - Hot & Cold
Video - Hot & Cold (30 minutes)
Background notes & Quiz about heat
Activity & Quizzes - Bubbly & cold endothermic reaction (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Create a pizza box solar oven (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Ice cream making! (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Make a Simple Thermometer (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Make supercooled water stalagmites (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Can you change the heat of water by adding food colour? (printable worksheet)
Activity & Quizzes - Temperature and The Density of Water
Variable testing - Which material insulates the most heat?
Experiment report templates (printable worksheets)
Post knowledge quiz - Hot & Cold
Post knowledge quiz on variables - Hot & Cold
Student Vocabulary Activities & Colouring Sheets
Vocabulary list & Quiz for heat energy (printable worksheet)
Crossword puzzle & Word search (printable worksheets)
Cloze sentence activity (printable worksheet)
Match the list (printable worksheet)
Colouring in pages (printable worksheets)
Teacher notes
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